Développement d’une application Shiny et déploiement sur SK8
AG CATI BARIC La Rochelle 2024
Amandine Velt
Joseph Tran
March 27, 2024
Pourquoi utiliser R Shiny ?
Comment communiquer autour de ses résultats R ?
Comment communiquer autour de ses résultats R ?
En R simple, pour changer un paramètre, il faut modifier le code
```{r}#| code-line-numbers: "|6"#| output-location: column-fragmentx <- faithful$waiting# number of bins = 10nbins <-10hist(x, breaks = nbins, col ="#75AADB",border ="white",xlab ="Waiting time to next eruption (in mins)",main ="Histogram of waiting times")```
Comment communiquer autour de ses résultats R ?
En R simple, pour changer un paramètre, il faut modifier le code
```{r}#| code-line-numbers: "6"#| output-location: columnx <- faithful$waiting# number of bins = 50nbins <-50hist(x, breaks = nbins, col ="#75AADB",border ="white",xlab ="Waiting time to next eruption (in mins)",main ="Histogram of waiting times")```
On aimerait avoir un slider pour le modifier rapidement et sans avoir à modifier le code
#| standalone: true#| viewerHeight: 500library(shiny)# Define UI for app that draws a histogram ----ui <- fluidPage( # App title ---- titlePanel("Hello Shiny!"), # Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ---- sidebarLayout( # Sidebar panel for inputs ---- sidebarPanel( # Input: Slider for the number of bins ---- sliderInput(inputId = "bins", label = "Number of bins:", min = 1, max = 50, value = 30) ), # Main panel for displaying outputs ---- mainPanel( # Output: Histogram ---- plotOutput(outputId = "distPlot") ) ))# Define server logic required to draw a histogram ----server <- function(input, output) { # Histogram of the Old Faithful Geyser Data ---- # with requested number of bins # This expression that generates a histogram is wrapped in a call # to renderPlot to indicate that: # # 1. It is "reactive" and therefore should be automatically # re-executed when inputs (input$bins) change # 2. Its output type is a plot output$distPlot <- renderPlot({ x <- faithful$waiting bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1) hist(x, breaks = bins, col = "#75AADB", border = "white", xlab = "Waiting time to next eruption (in mins)", main = "Histogram of waiting times") })}# Create Shiny app ----shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Comment communiquer autour de ses résultats R ?
Niveau 1 : Partager son code brute
Pas de contexte ou commentaire
Peut être difficile à déchiffrer
Aucune gestion des dépendances
Niveau 2 : Utiliser un R Markdown
Rapport statique retraçant l’analyse
Pas de ré-exécution possible
Comment communiquer autour de ses résultats R ?
Niveau 3 : Mettre en place une application Shiny
Interface graphique permettant de ne pas confronter l’utilisateur au code
Paramètres modifiables et code ré-exécutable
Possibilité d’exporter des plots et rapports
L’utilisateur est responsable de l’installation de R et des packages
Comment communiquer autour de ses résultats R ?
Niveau 4 : Déployer l’application Shiny sur un serveur
L’application tourne sur un serveur dédié
L’utilisateur n’a plus à se préoccuper de l’installation de R et des packages
```{r filename="ui.R"}#| eval: false#| code-line-numbers: "16-35"# This is the user-interface definition of a Shiny web application. You change# run the application by clicking 'Run App' above.## Find out more about building applications with Shiny here :## http://shiny.rstudio.com/#library(shiny)library(shinythemes)# Define UI for application that draws a Histogramui <-fluidPage(theme=shinytheme("flatly"),# Application titlePaneltitlePanel("Old Faithful Geyser Data"),# Sidebar with a slider input for number of binssidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(sliderInput("bins","Number of bins:",min =1,max =50,value =30) ),# Show a plot of the generated distributionmainPanel(plotOutput("distPlot") ) ))```
Structure d’une application Shiny
```{r filename="server.R"}#| eval: false#| code-line-numbers: "16-27"## This is the server logic of a Shiny web application. You can run the# application by clicking 'Run App' above.## Find out more about building applications with Shiny here :## http://shiny.rstudio.com/#library(shiny)# Define server logic required to draw a histogramserver <-function(input, output, session){ output$distPlot <-renderPlot({# generate bins based on input$bins from ui.R x <- faithful[,2] bins <-seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins +1)# draw the histogram with the specified number of binshist(x, breaks = bins, col ='darkgray', border ='white') })}```
Structure d’une application Shiny
```{r filename="app.R"}#| eval: false#| code-line-numbers: "16-35"# This is the user-interface definition of a Shiny web application. You change# run the application by clicking 'Run App' above.## Find out more about building applications with Shiny here :## http://shiny.rstudio.com/#library(shiny)library(shinythemes)# Define UI for application that draws a Histogramui <-fluidPage(theme=shinytheme("flatly"),# Application titlePaneltitlePanel("Old Faithful Geyser Data"),# Sidebar with a slider input for number of binssidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(sliderInput("bins","Number of bins:",min =1,max =50,value =30) ),# Show a plot of the generated distributionmainPanel(plotOutput("distPlot") ) ))```
```{r filename="app.R"}#| eval: false#| code-line-numbers: "16-27"## This is the server logic of a Shiny web application. You can run the# application by clicking 'Run App' above.## Find out more about building applications with Shiny here :## http://shiny.rstudio.com/#library(shiny)# Define server logic required to draw a histogramserver <-function(input, output, session){ output$distPlot <-renderPlot({# generate bins based on input$bins from ui.R x <- faithful[,2] bins <-seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins +1)# draw the histogram with the specified number of binshist(x, breaks = bins, col ='darkgray', border ='white') })}```
Fonctionnement d’une application Shiny
Fonctionnement d’une application Shiny
Fonctionnement d’une application Shiny
```{r filename="ui.R"}#| eval: false#| code-line-numbers: "24-29,32"# This is the user-interface definition of a Shiny web application. You change# run the application by clicking 'Run App' above.## Find out more about building applications with Shiny here :## http://shiny.rstudio.com/#library(shiny)library(shinythemes)# Define UI for application that draws a Histogramui <-fluidPage(theme=shinytheme("flatly"),# Application titlePaneltitlePanel("Old Faithful Geyser Data"),# Sidebar with a slider input for number of binssidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(sliderInput("bins","Number of bins:",min =1,max =50,value =30) ),# Show a plot of the generated distributionmainPanel(plotOutput("distPlot") ) ))```
```{r filename="server.R"}#| eval: false#| code-line-numbers: "18-26"## This is the server logic of a Shiny web application. You can run the# application by clicking 'Run App' above.## Find out more about building applications with Shiny here :## http://shiny.rstudio.com/#library(shiny)# Define server logic required to draw a histogramserver <-function(input, output, session){ output$distPlot <-renderPlot({# generate bins based on input$bins from ui.R x <- faithful[,2] bins <-seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins +1)# draw the histogram with the specified number of binshist(x, breaks = bins, col ='darkgray', border ='white') })}```
Le framework Bootstrap qu’utilise Shiny définit une page comme une grille :
Une page (fluidPage()) est divisée en colonnes (column()) et en ligne (fluidRow())
La hauteur d’une ligne est celle de son plus grand élément
La page est de taille 12 : une colonne de largeur (width) 6 occupera donc la moitié de l’espace horizontal
Les layouts
#| echo: fenced#| code-line-numbers: "14|16|17|48"#| output-location: columnlibrary(ggvis)# For dropdown menuactionLink <-function(inputId, ...) { tags$a(href='javascript:void',id=inputId,class='action-button', ...)}fluidPage(titlePanel("Movie explorer"),fluidRow(column(3,wellPanel(h4("Filter"),sliderInput("reviews", "Minimum number of reviews on Rotten Tomatoes",10, 300, 80, step =10),sliderInput("year", "Year released", 1940, 2014, value =c(1970, 2014),sep =""),sliderInput("oscars", "Minimum number of Oscar wins (all categories)",0, 4, 0, step =1),sliderInput("boxoffice", "Dollars at Box Office (millions)",0, 800, c(0, 800), step =1),selectInput("genre", "Genre (a movie can have multiple genres)",c("All", "Action", "Adventure", "Animation", "Biography", "Comedy","Crime", "Documentary", "Drama", "Family", "Fantasy", "History","Horror", "Music", "Musical", "Mystery", "Romance", "Sci-Fi","Short", "Sport", "Thriller", "War", "Western") ),textInput("director", "Director name contains (e.g., Miyazaki)"),textInput("cast", "Cast names contains (e.g. Tom Hanks)") ),wellPanel(selectInput("xvar", "X-axis variable", axis_vars, selected ="Meter"),selectInput("yvar", "Y-axis variable", axis_vars, selected ="Reviews"), tags$small(paste0("Note: The Tomato Meter is the proportion of positive reviews"," (as judged by the Rotten Tomatoes staff), and the Numeric rating is"," a normalized 1-10 score of those reviews which have star ratings"," (for example, 3 out of 4 stars)." )) ) ),column(9,ggvisOutput("plot1"),wellPanel(span("Number of movies selected:",textOutput("n_movies") ) ) ) ))
Projet communautaire et ouvert qui a permis de créer des environnements reproductibles, partageables et interactifs, tel que BinderHub, que vous pouvez tester sur mybinder.org.
Pour déployer une application Shiny sur Binder, repo2docker a besoin de 2 choses:
- un code source sur un dépôt Git (github, gitlab, etc.)
- des fichiers de configuration pour l’environnement, pour R par exemple :
- install.R: installer les packages R nécessaires
- runtime.txt: spécifier la version de R, et la date du snapshot
Each Spaces environment is limited to 16GB RAM, 2 CPU cores and 50GB of (not persistent) disk space by default, which you can use free of charge. Can upgrade to a paid plan for more resources.
R Shiny permet de rendre un script R interactif, facilement
Possibilité d’utiliser des packages R d’analyse et de faire tourner une application web avec
R Shiny est la solution idéale pour partager des résultats R qui peuvent être explorés
Plusieurs solutions de déploiement existent et fonctionnent bien, selon les besoins
Take Home Message
R Shiny warnings
Nécessité de prendre du temps pour optimiser son code. Notamment, il faut optimiser ce que R charge en mémoire, car une application Shiny peut rapidement saturer la RAM d’une VM
Nécessité de pré-calculer au maximum ce qu’on veut représenter (car R peut être lent)
Comment communiquer autour de ses résultats R ?